Understanding the Employee Onboarding Process


35 percent of companies spend $0 on employee onboarding.

Ironically the same companies spend a fortune on recruiting new hires. They struggle with high employee turnover due to skipping the onboarding process. These companies keep repeating the same mistakes and struggle with employee retention.

So, what should you do to break this vicious cycle of losing key new employees?

Read on to understand more about the employee onboarding process and why it matters.

What is Employee Onboarding Process?

Employee onboarding is the process of integrating new hires into your firm and its culture. You want them to learn how your company operates and your core values. Besides, the onboarding involves educating the new employees on their roles and job expectations.

Steps in the Employee Onboarding Process

To smoothen the employee onboarding process, you must follow the right steps. The idea is to assimilate the new employees into your company’s culture quickly.

Here are the key employee onboarding steps

1. Reach to the New Hires Before the Start Date

To avoid keeping the new hires in the dark, reach out to them before their first day. You want to adopt a proactive approach to integrating the new employees into your culture. So, before the first day, send out materials to educate the new hire more about your business.

2. Set Up the New Hire Workspace

Ensure the new hire’s workspace is ready on their reporting day to create a positive impression. The idea is to provide them with what they need to start working as soon as possible.

3. Provide the New Employees With Relevant Training Resources

The onboarding process also involves providing the new hire with engaging and interactive training resources. You want them to learn their duties quickly and the metrics you use to track their performance. That’s why you should find resources that educate you on the best employee training tactics to use.

4. Implement a Buddy System

Implement a buddy system to make it easy for the new employees to learn about your company. The goal is to introduce the new hire to an existing employee who guides them on various things. You want the new hire to start making friends soon and feel comfortable working for your company.

The Importance of Employee Onboarding Process

When done right, the employee onboarding process increases new hire commitment to the company. Besides, it improves employee retention, thereby boosting productivity. Also, to reduce high employee turnover ensure you’re attracting the right talent to your business.

That’s why you should consider working with a professional headhunter.

Boost Business Growth by Investing in a Great Employee Onboarding Process

To boost business growth, you need to attract the best talent and retain key employees. That’s why you should invest in a great employee onboarding process. The goal is to assimilate new employees to your company and its culture quickly.

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