Study Tips and Tricks: How to Study For a Math Test

Did you know that over 90% of Americans admit to experiencing some level of anxiety when it comes to math?

So, if you’ve got a test coming up and you are nervous about it, know that you are not the only one who experiences stress regarding this subject.

Math can be very challenging, but with the right tools and strategies, you are more than capable of acing every assignment that comes your way. Need help? You’ve come to the right place.

Keep reading for the ultimate guide on how to study for a math test.

Understand the Formulas and Concepts

Understanding the basic formulas of the concepts you are being tested on is the first step to mastering the skills necessary to ace your exams. Of course, this is easier said than done, so here are some tips to help you out:

  1. Write down the formulas you are trying to memorize 25 times each on a piece of paper
  2. Create flashcards and test yourself until you’ve learned every formula
  3. Write each formula down and write a paragraph explaining how to use it
  4. Use sticky notes to write the formulas down and stick them somewhere you’ll see every day (like a mirror, computer monitor, etc.)


Once you feel confident about what each formula means and how to use it, you should spend some time putting your knowledge to the test. When it comes to math, practicing is the only way to truly be prepared for whatever your professor might throw at you during the exam.

Math concepts are pretty much universal, so you can always look up practice problems online to help you study. Another good way to practice is to go back to your homework questions and work on any questions you got wrong. This will help you see what you need to work on the most.

Finally, you can also reach out to your professor and ask if they have any practice problems for you to prepare for the exam.

Get More Help

If you have memorized all of your formulas and practiced but feel like you still need more help to prepare for the exam, you should consider hiring a tutor. Calculus tutors, geometry tutors, etc., are experts in the math level they teach and will give you one-on-one coaching to help you ace your test.

A good tutor will help you understand the concepts you are stuck on and give you a personalized learning plan to help you improve your math grade.

That’s How to Study for a Math Test!

Now that you know how to study for a math test, you are ready to ace all of your exams. Remember to memorize all the formulas and concepts and put your skills to the test with practice exams. Over 90% of Americans struggle with math anxiety, so if yours is terrible, consider hiring a tutor to help you create the right learning plan for you!

If you found these math test tips helpful, make sure to check out our blog for more!