The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy or NAPLAN has become a tremendously emotive topic recently. Some people believe that assessing the different skills and abilities of children are essential. If you happen to belong in the group of individuals who need to take standardised tests and NAPLAN tutoring, then you have come to the right place. Read on the importance of NAPLAN and why you should prepare your child for it.
What is NAPLAN?
According to Australia’s National Assessment Program, NAPLAN is an assessment that tests the skills of children in reading, writing, language conventions, and numeracy. It is significant because it examines the essential core areas that children need to progress through school and life.
NAPLAN identifies a child’s particular strengths and weaknesses that help schools create benchmarks for learning. This is essential because knowledge gaps can then be filled to build confidence in a child, which makes the NAPLAN of equal importance.
Your Responsibility as a Parent
NAPLAN gives you an idea of the literacy and numeracy skills of your child so you can reinforce their strengths and improve weaknesses.
However, NAPLAN is only done every two years, and the results often take a long time to be released, providing a somewhat delayed assessment. Fortunately, NAPLAN tutoring offers a solution to this problem.
What is NAPLAN Tutoring?
NAPLAN tutors assess your child and immediately provides a detailed and complete report of their strengths and weaknesses. This will provide you up to date information about your child’s progress.
Once the assessment is done, tutors will then make a learning plan to help your child improve in areas that they need help with and further reinforce skills that they are good at.
NAPLAN tutoring also helps children to have a strong understanding of NAPLAN testing so that they are well prepared when it’s time for them to take it.
Does My Child Need Tutoring to do well for NAPLAN?
It is no secret that NAPLAN is derived from the curriculum of Australian schools, so most individuals think that children have already learnt about the topics or subjects that they will be tested on.
However, NAPLAN has quite a distinct focus on applied learning and problem-solving. The format of some of the questions and the assessment themselves are unique. If your child encounters these types of problems, it may cause stress and anxiety during the test that may lead to reduced scores.
By signing your child to NAPLAN tutoring, you are helping them build their confidence when taking tests. This means they would no longer have fears taking the test, helping them gain optimum scores in the process.
Some individuals think that parents shouldn’t prepare their children when taking NAPLAN, deeming it unnecessary. However, if you are a parent who believes that your child needs personalised support to ensure that they gain proper core skills, to gain an advantage in school and life, then you should consider signing them up for tutoring. This is because NAPLAN will figure out the core areas where they are lacking.
Author Bio: Kathleen Zara works as a freelancer and entrepreneur working from a start-up learning along the way about marketing, social and networking, creating web sites, and web content.