We often apologize and seek for forgiveness to come over from our past wrongs from the person we have made suffer, but what can be done when we are the culprit and have no one but us to blame? When deeds or misdeeds from the past make you suffer then one must move on from the situation rather than condemning oneself and by making our own life miserable. Here we will try to discuss How to Forgive Yourself? And end the game of shame from our life.
Here I must clear the feeling that it takes something really big and not to be remembered instance to make a person guilty about his own deeds. As humans, we have a tendency to justify our own karma and when we are not able to do so then only we seek forgiveness from our self for our deeds.
A lot of people go through the feeling of self-blame and feel guilty because they have done something wrong or have the guilt of not being perfect. Both these feelings are contrary and there is a big difference between guilt and shame. When you have guilt and self-condemnation than the biggest way of getting out of the situation is forgiving yourself for things. The guilt comes or the self-defamation comes in a person when he feels that he has done something wrong or are defensive for something they feel they are ashamed of.
Self-blame and guilt is something that must be addressed when they are small otherwise things can get chronic and difficult to be healed. If the guilt is due to past mistakes or miss happening then nothing can be done to cure something that has already been done in the past but as a person, we can try our best to amend them and also heal our guilt. The process of self-healing and self-forgiveness is long and has a lot of pauses that must be checked for trying to make things perfect. There are certain steps for forgiving yourself and moving forward in life. Some of them are explained here for our readers. They are-
- Look at the bigger picture- as a person you have a life and your life is a compilation of love, relations, aspirations, and memories. Your mistakes and guilt are a small part of this picture and that part must be amended to make the whole picture look beautiful.
- Repent and repair– if we will continue to carry the burden of our mistakes and guilt then we cannot live and move on in our life. It is better to repent and repair the damage done by us to live a happy life. You can live a happy life only when you have made peace with your past.
- Reduce cogitation- If you feel like cognized in the trap of past mistakes then it is recommended to pay less attention to the past and. Help yourself in cleaning the past memories and live a happy life ahead.
In the end, I can say that we are not perfect, we all make mistakes and feel sorry for them. The best we can do for us is by trying to avoid past mistakes.