Does Chemistry Have Role in Customer Attraction?


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Do you know how to increase your product sales? Do you know how to trigger some attraction with a person you have just met? Do you want to make people laugh at your jokes? It’s natural that our way of expression changes according to the situation. In that moment you are experiencing something so profound and mystical that scientists have devoted their lives to proving exists. What is that thing? It’s chemistry.

The definition of chemistry is quite simple. It is the interaction of one person or object to another. In it, when two chemicals interact, it can have an explosive outcome and the same is true when it comes to dating. Due to the attraction being an important part of chemistry, lots of chemistry jokes are made to make people understand what it actually is.

Chemistry is not only attraction

Banter, role-play, fun, touching and other playful activities are some of the actions you can adopt to generate attraction. Chemistry is not somewhat you are supposed to do to a second person; it is something you have with them.

When it comes to attraction, you are believed to do actions and generate a feeling from the person, in the case of chemistry, you do not do anything but you are able to build a connection. Chemistry takes place when two people’s personalities line up in such a powerful way that a bond is built between them. When you try to generate attraction, you are doing actions that can lead to an emotional reaction in the other person.

Chemistry jokes are among the most common ways to today to attract people’s attention. In the online web services, many companies are engaged in creating chemistry jokes to attract their customers. Attraction is something you can generate in most people you meet. But the talent of creating jokes on chemistry to drive more and visitors on your sites tough. Just because you have similar personalities and doesn’t mean you have the talent to do so. Because we understand the differences between attraction and chemistry, we should break down the types of chemistry people can have.

Types of Chemistry

Mainly, two types of chemistry are possible: Personal chemistry and sexual chemistry. The first one involves your personalities. In this type of chemistry, people look for people based on who they are to the core. In it, personal chemistry is much deeper than commonalities. These people are often considered mystical to others because they are not aware of what it is about that person but they just seem so cool. Personal chemistry often keeps people confused for attraction due to their mystical nature.  It is not wrong to say that chemistry leads to confused relationship. You need to search for the right chemistry.


When you do online business, you need to set your chemistry tune with your audience. Thousands of similar products and services are available in the market. To get it done, learn how to make chemistry jokes to draw people attention and increase your business.