Achieve your goals via the New Jersey real estate exam

Are you planning to crack the real estate exam with more preparation?  If you do so, then you must find an impactful method to get through. New Jersey Real Estate Exam is conducted by the Commission Bureaus of Education and Investigation for the post of salespersons and real estate persons.  Here are some of the tips with which you can buckle down the preparation.

Qualify yourself to obtain the license:

To earn the license of real estate person or a sales license you must earn the below requirements. New Jersey Real Estate Exam Prep includes the following

  • Complete 75 hours of license education
  • Secure employment that covers background check and fingerprint
  • Must be at least 18 years old
  • Submitting the application
  • A resident of New Jersey

Required score to qualify:

After the completion of the pre-approval process, you can sit for the real estate exam includes the national and state principles and practices. You have to clear at least 77 questions for national and 84 questions for the state exam. You have to clear both the exams to obtain the license. The allowed time-limit is 4 hours in which the candidate must pass nearly 70 percent of questions. And for your note, you have to give the exams on the computer.

Things to be carried:

Arrive at the exam hall before 30 minutes of the scheduled time.

  • Identification files of candidate signature along with Government Id proof with photo bearing.
  • A non-scientific calculator.

Topics to be covered during preparation:

Try to utilize your time in a standard way by preparing on the following topics for the exam.

  1. Property ownership
  2. Regulations and controls for land use
  3. Financing
  4. Conditions and disclosures of properties
  5. Transfer of title
  6. Calculations of budget
  7. Valuation and market analysis
  8. Government activities on licensing

Maximize your preparation:

If you want to gear up your study methods, then take the challenge tests before the examination. Generate your own practices tests. Let your New Jersey Real Estate Exam Prep begin with the following:

  1. Utilize the flashcard app:

Install the flashcard app on your mobile and gather information about the exam from the crowdsourced study library. This app has various study sets that can be viewed on the computer as well as on mobile phones. It helps in memorization and understanding with its visual features.

  1. Set timers:

Setting a timer will help you in intense focusing with frequent intervals. Follow Pomodoro time management techniques using online tools.

  1. Distraction blocker tools:

As the internet has massive distractions the distraction blocker tools such as FocusMe, Mindful Browsing, StayFocused etc. will help to make a wise to-do-list. It will block the messages from social media for a certain period of time.

  1. Make use of an exam prep guide:

The major advantage of an exam prep guide is it has three different styles of learning format. It includes coach format, power format, and pace format.


Follow your passion and prepare diligently. Set your goals and monitor your progress towards it. I hope all the above-shared information will help you in clearing the exam on the first attempt. Good luck!